YES is going Suffolk Wide
As most of you know, earlier this year, the Youth Employment Service had to unfortunately step away from Mid Suffolk and Babergh for reasons outside of our control. However, we have been working behind the scenes to bring this much needed service back to the area. It is with GREAT excitement that I am pleased to announce that we’ve secured funding from Suffolk County Council as part of the adult learning fund to work with 19-24 year olds in Mid Suffolk, Babergh and West Suffolk.
We have also been given funding by IBC to continue to fund our Youth Employment Service in Ipswich! Some more amazing news!
The team currently work in East Suffolk and Ipswich, and the service has been such a huge success, so far this year we have engaged with 204 YP, completed over 1883 hours of coaching and seen 91 Positive outcomes in East Suffolk alone, so we are thrilled to be able offer support to even more young people who want to explore the world of further education, dive into work, or find training opportunities that spark their interests.
Once we have a coach in place, the service will run exactly how it has been running in the other areas.
Meet the team:
If you have anyone you would like to refer, please use our online booking system to book a slot that suits your young person for an initial assessment with a coach.
Any questions, please do let me know.