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Liam came into the service with low confidence, anxiety and struggled to leave the house. He found that the pandemic impacted his anxiety and made it difficult for him to gain employment due to lack of skills, qualifications and confidence. Liam started coaching straight away, and he soon realised he wanted to go into a career linked with Psychology. He began working closely with his YES coach Elisha, who helped Liam see his potential and drive his ambition for a career in Psychology. Since starting his journey with YES Liam has gained more confidence to leave the house and secured a part time cleaning job. Due to Liam being in rural Suffolk there was not much opportunity for him to sign up to any face-to-face college courses due to travel. After weeks of researching Elisha managed to find him a level 2/3 online courses in Psychology with Cambridge Regional College. Since then he has started his level 2 course and is looking to start the level 3 in the future. Not only has Liam overcome his anxiety and struggle to leave the house but in two month he has managed to gain part time work and enrol onto a course to help him getting into his chosen career. 

‘Coaching has improved my confidence skills and social interaction so much. Elisha’s has been extremely helpful, and I am very appreciative of the support I have been offered by YES.