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Cameron & Sizewell C

Cameron & Sizewell C

EDF’s Sizewell C has supported the East Suffolk Youth Employment Service (YES) since the launch in late 2019. Through a combination of educational programme support, career advice and promised STEM sector jobs, Sizewell is dedicated to providing opportunities to young people in East Suffolk.

Visiting Sizewell B

Earlier this year, young people from YES and Inspire Suffolk’s Step Up course were given an exclusive tour around Sizewell B to learn more about the energy sector and explore their interests in nuclear power.

YES at an exclusive tour of Sizewell B, hosted by EDF Energy

Experiences like these are vital for capturing the interest of young people whose experiences up until that point may have been limited to education settings.

One student said of the visit, “I learned a lot about how energy is produced through nuclear fission and how it is made available to the national grid.  We were very lucky to see inside the generator plant and the scale of everything was amazing.  All the employees we met were very friendly and polite.  It would be an amazing place to work”

Working with Sizewell C to Inspire the Talent of Tomorrow

Humphrey Cadoux-Hudson CBE, Managing Director of Sizewell C, has had a profound effect on the career prospects of one young person in particular. Cameron Clements reached out to YES for advice on his next steps earlier this year. Cameron was disappointed with his exam results and unsure of where to turn next. During an informal talk with Mr Cadoux-Hudson about EDF’s work in Suffolk, he was inspired to return to Suffolk New College to re-sit his exams. He recently told us he is “still working hard to get my qualifications” and is undertaking a Multi-Trade Skills qualification in pursuit of a career in the energy industry.

Cameron’s story is one of many that show how important it is for young people to be exposed to different industries and explore what jobs are available. By actively creating a plan for the future and finding an industry that sparks an interest, the young people we work with are able to raise their aspirations and set goals.

If you’d like to start your journey towards a brighter future, please book an appointment with one of our Job Coaches.